Component Kit for Cord-ially Yours Chainmail Bracelet (Black & Silver)
Component Kit for Cord-ially Yours Chainmail Bracelet (Black & Silver)
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Cord-ially Yours Chainmail Bracelet Kit contains all the unassembled components required to make this beautiful jewelry piece. Step-by-step instructions are NOT SUPPLIED but are available in our book Chain Mail PLUS. Learn how easy it is to make your own fabulous jewelry.
About the book: This book must be purchased separately. You can purchase it right here with your kit. Chain Mail PLUS offers 20 projects with clear, easy-to-follow photos and step-by-step instructions that make it easy to understand exactly how to weave each piece.
This kit contains:
- Anodized aluminum jump rings
- 5mm stitched suede round cord
- Oval magnetic clasp
In this kit, we have replaced the faux leather cord (used in the book project) with genuine stitched suede cord from Leather Cord USA™. We have included the required amount of jump rings and cord, plus a bit extra in case you need them.
NOT included in this kit (you will need to provide):
- Project is on page 31 of Chain Mail PLUS book (sold separately)
- 2 pairs of pliers (Chain Nose, Bent Chain Nose and/or Flat Nose)
- Sharp scissors or utility knife
- Twist ties, toothpicks, and facial tissues
- Ruler or tape measure
- E6000 glue