Contact Us

Contact information

If you have any questions concerning our products, an order you have placed or just general inquiries, feel free to contact us at any time using the information provided at the bottom of this page.

Check us out on Facebook, X. However, our full product line is only available right here, whether you're looking for that special jewelry item or wanting to make your own jewelry. We are always interested in your comments, items you would like to see added to our product line, services you would like us to provide, marketing, or anything specific to our industry.

Our Customers

There is no special membership or sign-in process to get our products. We do remember returning customers and there are incentives that we can tailor around your needs. However, we cherish all our customers, big and small.

Sorry, we don't accept mail-in payments. We don't accept PayPal payments at this store. Check our Etsy store if you wish to use PayPal, however extra fees will apply (approx 15%).

All your payment information is secured with Shopify and we do not ask you for any personal information.



Tel: 1 (250) 571-4366 (9:00AM - 5:00PM PST)

You may contact us any time, even on weekends, through the email above. We will return your email within 24 to 48 hours.